Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Looking Back: 2007 Part 3

End of Sinema

From the title to the ending, this story is as much a study of a personal friend of mine as it is an homage to the films of Godard. The title is a reference to the closing card in Weekend: end of cinema. Then there are more references than I can count throughout the story, mainly nods to Masculin féminin and Breathless. This story was written about and for 'Morris Lee', and he recently told me that he's still shocked at how accurate a portrayal it is of his life and thoughts. Even if the story itself is a failure, I can be satisfied knowing it served its purpose. The character Termite, due to Ramon Sierra's heavy involvement, was carried into Respect the Dead.

Skull of Fortune

The most recent dream collaboration with Joel Hentges. We always work very closely on these shorts based on his dreams and nightmares. Other than writing out his dream in a literary fashion, I helped develop the characters. I also had to fight for the title, which I'm fond of, as Joel felt it reminded him too much of a certain game show, therefore lessening the impact of the story. Seeing that this short was written back in 2007, I'll have to see if Joel has had any peculiar dreams lately.

The next post will conclude this Looking Back year.

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