Monday, August 10, 2009

Radar Believes In The Supernatural

That mechanical whir you hear is the sound of a CD ending: with Track 12: Title Track, Radar Doesn't Believe In The Supernatural is now complete. We leave Koi famous, untouched by hard drugs or women of ill repute, a steadily rising star whose only desire is to fill the blackness around him with music.

John Wilkins created both the collage piece that serves as the album cover and the collage piece that serves as the final music track, Dear Sun.

I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to Radar: Dorian Hall for being Koi; Bobby Myers for reading the novel as it was being written, allowing his band to appear in Track 0 and for providing the drawing of which Track 7 is a study; Marisa Williams for editing; all of the artists, including Timothy Weaver, Beryl Chung, Maarten Donders, Jaime Herrera, Ray Jones, Joanna Krótka, Louis Roskosch, Alison Berry, Oliver Hull, Isam Prado, Maaike Verwijs and John Wilkins; and the musicians who added an extra dimension to Radar by allowing the use of their tracks, including chaosmachine, Saskrotch, the Paul F. Savage Orchestra, Dean Cherry, cucum, Mefx1 and John Wilkins.

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